I began my real estate career in 1991 with a national franchise. I was a young wife and mother of two at the time with no real knowledge about the economy or real estate. I knew I loved real estate and had an ability to pick good investments. I knew nothing about recessions but managed to weather a few of those through my years in real estate. Within a short time of working for the national franchise, a close family member with a brokerage of her own, offered me a position in her office which I gladly took and shortly thereafter I became the owner and broker on record in 1997. I've managed and sold mulitple commercial and residential properties through the years and managed a number of real estate trusts as well. I've sold vacant land and then worked with developers and their architects to create new homes throughout our community. I have a firm belief in the value of owning real estate whether it's a personal residence, a commercial building or an income investment as a long-term investment. I believe in the power of buying low, holding as long as necessary, not selling too soon. I understand buying your first house and leveraging that house into a house more suitable for your wants than your needs. I understand buying your "forever house" that may need some remodeling in order to become that "forever house" because that's what I enjoy doing most, helping people see the potential in a property.
Having involved my children in my real esate business through the years has given them both a great understanding to the value and power that owning real estate brings. They are both successful homeowners and are building their own real estate portfolio's. My son is a broker with a real estate brokerage of his own. These are things that make me feel like my real estate career is a success.
I've recently added a sales associate, Therese Cron, who brings her own wealth of knowledge in the commercial real esate business, nationally as well as locally. She's a powerhouse! I'll let her describe her real estate journey.